Khalid Kishtainy | The Man Entire
Khalid Kishtainy is a controversial man of many parts, author of some 34 books, journalist, artist, politician and gripping story teller. People often see one part of him, but this rare event, presents him in his entirety as he will talk about his life, his work and his ideas. It will be all supported by his autobiography, Time in Iraq and England, published last month and available at the Centre, as well as during the joint exhibition of his paintings and the paintings of his daughter, Jasmine. His son Adam Kishtainy will be playing guitar music.
خالد القشطيني بكامل شخصيته خالد القشطيني شخصية متعددة الادوار والجوانب والاهتمامات. فهو مؤلف لنحو 34 كتابا، وكاتب ساخر، وصحافي و فنان و مفكر سياسي و قاص متمكن. قد لايعرف الآخرون عنه سوى جانب واحد، و لكن في هذه الأمسية المتميزة، سيظهر القشطيني متكاملا حيث سيتكلم عن حياته و اعماله و افكاره. و ستتوج الأمسية بأستعراض كتابه الجديد المتضمن سيرته الذاتية والصادر مؤخرا تحت عنوان " زمن في العراق وانكلترا" والذي ستتوفر نسخ منه خلال الأمسية وطوال فترة المعرض الشخصي المشترك للوحاته الفنية و لوحات ابنته ياسمين. وسيقدم السيد آدم القشطيني-أبن الأستاذ خالد- عزفا على القيثار.
6.30 pm Saturday 8 June
Iraqi Cultural Centre in London
Threshold and Union House
65-69 Shepherds Bush Green
London W12 8TX
A review of Khalid's book of saucy London and Iraq stories: Arabian Tales: Baghdad on Thames (Quartet, 2012)
A review of Khalid's novel By the Rivers of Babylon (Quartet, 2008)