'A Lady Cyclist's Guide to Kashgar' to appear soon in paperback
the UK hardback edition A Lady Cyclist’s Guide to Kashgar by British writer Suzanne Joinson was one of the most intriguing debut novels of 2012. Published by Bloomsbury in the UK and US, the ambitious...
View ArticleInternational Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF - Arabic Booker) shortlist...
the shortlisted titlesInternational Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) shortlist stresses evolving talent, springs surprises bySusannah TarbushThe judges of the International Prize for Arabic Fiction...
View Article"Muslims yearn for real debate": interview in Qantara with Muslim scholar...
Ziauddin Sardar is a leading British-Pakistani Muslim scholar and critic. In this interview with Susannah Tarbush, he talks about the magazine "Critical Muslim" he founded and which he sees as an...
View ArticleUnholyland: Aidan Andrew Dun's 264-sonnet Palestinian-Israeli love story
A Palestinian-Israeli love story in 264 sonnets bySusannah TarbushOn Wednesday 23rd January, at 7pm, London’s oldest radical bookshop Housmans - at 5 Caledonian Road, King's Cross, N1 9DX - hosts poet...
View ArticleHigh Impact UK tour of Low Countries literature ends with a Gala at the...
Ramsey Nasr The High Impact: Literature from the Low Countries evening at the Tabernacle in Notting Hill, West London W11 last Saturday was a rousing finale to the six-day UK tour of Dutch-writing...
View ArticlePalestinian poets Marwan Makhoul and Asma'a Azaizeh appear in London
(L to R) Stephen Watts, Marwan Makhoul, Asma's Azaizeh, Agnes Reeve 'Hebrew is not my enemy and nor are Jews my enemies' The appearance of Palestinian poets Marwan Makhoul and Asma'a Azaizeh at the A...
View Articlenew Beirut-based journal Portal 9 digs deep into urbanism and culture
The Beirut-based journal Portal 9 makes an auspicious debut bySusannah TarbushIn his first editorial as editor-in-chief of the new Beirut-based journal Portal 9 - which describes itself as "an...
View ArticleNihad Sirees, Ghalia Kabbani, Malu Halasa in English PEN's Syrian Writers'...
Nihad Sirees and Rosie GoldsmithOver the past week, Syrian literature has been in the spotlight in London due to the visit of Syrian novelist Nihad Sirees and to the wish of audiences to try to learn...
View ArticleRoger Allen presented with Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary...
Professor Roger Allen (R) and Bensalem Himmich at the awards ceremony The Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation was awarded last night to Roger Allen during the Society of...
View ArticleARK and UCL invitation to meeting of Iraqi artists
ARK: A Space in EalingTop Flat / Acton Town Hall / High Street / London W3 6NE Tel: 0208 75 207 75 email: yousifark@yahoo.co.uk, www.arkspace.org.uk/ark Art, war and peace: responses to IraqSaturday...
View ArticleLast of the Dictionary Men: a Mosaic Rooms exhibition on the Yemenis of South...
Saeed Mohamed Aklan Ghaleb (R) and Adnan Sayyadi in front of Saeed's portraitOver the decades Arabs of various nationalities have settled in Britain, and there are now sizeable communities of...
View ArticleMoroccan novelist Bensalem Himmich in discussion with his prizewinning...
(L to R): Bensalem Himmich; interpreter Mohammed Saleh; Roger Allen; Paul Starkey (portraits in the background are of South Shields Yemenis in the Last of the Dictionary Men exhibition) When Roger...
View ArticleAlan Mackie's book The Sons of Adam: A Memoir of Egypt
British journalist Alan Mackie’s book The Sons of Adam: A Memoir of Egyptby Susannah Tarbush [an Arabic version appears in Al-Hayat Arabic daily newspaper http://alhayat.com/Details/482310 ]The...
View Articlejudges of 2013 caine prize for african writing announced
The judges of the 2013 Caine Prize for African Writing were announced today. The chair of the judges' panel is art historian and broadcaster Dr Gus Casely-Hayford. Dr Gus Casely-HayfordThe judges...
View Articlereview of courttia newland's novel 'the gospel according to cane'
The Gospel According to Caneby Courttia NewlandTelegram, London367pp, pbk, £7.99 review by Susannah Tarbush It is often said there is nothing more agonising for a parent than the death of their child....
View ArticleBQFP authors Abdulaziz al-Mahmoud and Mohammed Achaari at Oxford Literary...
The nine-day Sunday Times Oxford Literary Festival, which starts today, is one of Britain's most high-profile literary festivals. It gives those attending the chance to enjoy a rich programme of...
View ArticleArab British Centre to receive UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture in Paris...
The Arab British Centre– a London-based charity promoting arts and culture of the Arab world – will receive the UNESCO-Sharjah Prize for Arab Culture from UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova at a...
View ArticleKuwaiti novelist Saud Alsanousi wins 2013 International Prize for Arabic...
Saud AlsanousiThe novel The Bamboo Stalk by Kuwaiti author Saud Alsanousi was tonight announced as the winner of the sixth International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF - often known as the Arabic...
View ArticleWilliam Sutcliffe & John McCarthy discuss their books on Palestine-Israel issue
At an event held in the gallery of Notting Hill Community Church in West London, last Tuesday evening novelist William Sutcliffe and writer, broadcaster and one-time Beirut hostage John McCarthy...
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